
• The DowntownFreehold.com Thursdays Rock concert series will make its 2022 debut on June 2 with a performance by James Maddock. All concerts take place from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Monmouth County Hall of Records plaza, Main Street, Freehold Borough. The concerts are free; bring a lawn chair. The rest of the schedule is as follows: June 9, Pat Roddy Band; June 16, Funky Uncle All-Stars; June 23, The Weeklings; June 30, Eddie Testa Band; July 7, Mission Dance; July 14, Joe Baracata Band; July 21, Matt O’Ree Band; July 28, Chuck Lambert Band with Coo Moe Jhee; Aug. 4, Parrot Beach; Aug. 11, Colossal Street Jam; Aug. 18, Pat Guadagno and Friends; Aug. 25, Turnstyles.
• The Freehold Borough Arts Council 2022 Jazz, Blues and More Summer Concert Series will take place every Sunday through August (June 5 through Aug. 28) from 7-9 p.m. at the Downtown Freehold Gazebo, Main Street, Freehold Borough. The concerts are free; bring a lawn chair.
• A farmers market will be held every Friday from July through October, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Monmouth County Hall of Records plaza, Main Street, Freehold Borough.
• Pink Ribbons of Central New Jersey will host a fashion show and luncheon at noon June 16 at The Reception Center, 172 Freneau Ave., Matawan. Tickets are $55. All proceeds go directly to Susan G. Komen for local women. Details: Helene Cohen, 732-577-0303, or Joan Stevenson, 732-252-8705.
• Temple Shaari Emeth, 400 Craig Road, Manalapan, will host a blood drive from 3-8 p.m. May 31. Appointments are preferred. For an appointment, visit https://nybc.org/newjerseydrive, sponsor code 70269, or call 800-933-2566. Walk-ins accepted if spacing allows. Donors have a chance to win a grill. Sponsored by New Jersey Blood Services, a division of the New York Blood Center.
• Municipal officials in Manalapan have announced that the regular meeting of the Township Committee originally scheduled for May 25 has been cancelled and rescheduled to June 1. The closed workshop session will begin at 5 p.m. and the public portion will begin at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in person only at the municipal complex, 120 Route 522 and Taylors Mills Road.
• The Manalapan Environmental Commission will hold a Native Plant Sale on June 4 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain or shine) at the Manalapan Recreation Center, 520 Route 522, under the Dreyer Pavilion and at the Eco Patio. Native plants require less fertilizer, pesticides and watering, and are less susceptible to pests and disease. The plants that will be available for purchase have been grown locally by Steven Kristoph of Steven Kristoph Nursery. Credit cards accepted. All are welcome to attend the plant sale.
• The Monmouth County Retired Educators Association will meet on June 14 at the Spring Lake Manor, Spring Lake. The meeting will begin at 11 a.m. Attendees may arrive early to enjoy the association’s 60th Jubilee celebration starting 10:30 a.m. A new slate of officers will be installed and the annual MCREA Philanthropic Awards will be presented to this year’s winners. Members are encouraged to bring non-perishable donations for the local food bank. For reservations, contact [email protected] or call 732-995-7754. Reservations must be completed before June 3. New members are always welcome.
• Allentown in western Monmouth County was a stop on the Underground Railroad and local historian John Fabiano will tell the story during a free 90-minute walking tour sponsored by The Allentown Village Initiative on June 18 beginning at 10 a.m. in Pete Sensi Park, Main Street, Allentown. “They Came for Freedom” will lead participants past historic homes, shops, cemeteries and landmarks which played a part in helping escaped slaves from the south reach freedom in the north. Register in advance for a timed tour start at www.allentownvinj.org. Registrants will be assigned timed starts in 30-minute intervals beginning at 10 a.m. June 18.
• Freehold Elks Lodge No. 1454 will hold an All-U-Can-Eat Sunday Breakfast from 9-11:30 a.m. on the third Sunday of every month at the lodge, 73 E. Main St., Freehold Borough. Extensive menu cooked to order. Adults, $11; children 12 and younger, $5.
• Morganville United Methodist Church, 215 Conover Road, off Route 79, Marlboro, has reopened its Saturday thrift shop. The thrift shop will be open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon through July. New and nearly items including clothing, toys, home decor, jewelry, housewares, crafts and holiday decorations will be available for purchase. All are welcome to visit the thrift shop.
• The Monmouth County Park System will host mill demonstrations on May 28 and 29 at 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. at Historic Walnford, Walnford Road, Upper Freehold Township. See the 19th century gristmill in action. Each demonstration lasts about 15 minutes. Free. Details: 732-842-4000.
• The Monmouth County Park System will host Historic Battery Lewis Tours on May 28-29 from noon to 4 p.m. at Hartshorne Woods Park, Highlands, in the Rocky Point section. Tour the restored Historic Battery Lewis and learn about the history of this important former coastal defense site. Free. Details: 732-842-4000.
• The Monmouth County Park System will host a Decoration Day celebration on May 30 from noon to 3 p.m. at Historic Longstreet Farm, Longstreet Road, Holmdel. Enjoy the company of family and friends as the park system honors this early American holiday. Free. Details: 732-842-4000.
• A new fellowship has started at the Morganville United Methodist Church, 215 Conover Road, Marlboro. Pizza with God features a pizza meal followed by music and devotions with crafts for youngsters. Come as you are and bring a dessert to share. The program will be held on the first Saturday of every month. Registration is requested on the church’s Facebook page, but is not required to attend. Details: Harry Cross, 908-770-6607.
• Freehold High School Class of 1972 will be celebrating its 50-year class reunion on July 23 at the American Hotel, Freehold Borough. Tickets are $85 per person and must be purchased in advance; no tickets will be sold at the door. The deadline for ticket purchases is July 13. For more information, contact Sue Shrott by email at [email protected] or call 732-995-7754.
• Monmouth County officials have scheduled the following paper shredding events: Aug. 6, Freehold Borough, Park Avenue Elementary School, 280 Park Ave.; Sept. 24, Marlboro Municipal Complex, 1979 Township Drive; Oct. 1, Colts Neck, town hall parking lot, 124 Cedar Drive; Oct. 8, Freehold Township Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza. All shredding events will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. County residents may shred up to 100 pounds of documents. Large binder clips must be removed from documents; staples and paper clips can remain. Information about the paper shredding events and recycling can be found in the recycling section of the county’s website, www.visitmonmouth.com, or call 732-683-8686, ext. 8967.
• The Monmouth County Library offers six classes available at any time and without any advance registration on virtual Yoga, highlighting breathing, movement, stretching and other activities. Each program is offered at https://ly/MonCoLibraryYoga. The programs are offered by Steven Russell of Becoming Sound. Interested individuals may choose their own path with movements from six of the most popular library video class series. Sessions are Yoga Breathing; Yoga Stretching; Yoga Movement; Yoga Stretching with Support; Yoga at Home on the Floor; and Yoga at Home Standing. Individuals should consult a physician before starting any exercise program.
• Embroiderers’ Guild of America – Monmouth Chapter is dedicated to teaching and sharing the joys of needlework. The organization welcomes stitchers of all levels. Evening stitchers will meet via Zoom on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Day stitchers will meet via Zoom on the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. Details: Toni, 732-462-5540, or visit website:www.mcega.org
• Samaritan Center operates a food pantry to provide supplementary food for those in need in Manalapan, Marlboro, Morganville, Englishtown and Millstone Township. For information, call 732-446-1142 and make an appointment. Donations of funds and food are gratefully accepted to support the operation of the center.
Items for the Datebook may be sent to [email protected]. Please send items at least two weeks prior to a scheduled event.
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