High neck sweatshirt, £120, The Pangaia; Organic cotton shirt, £85, With Nothing Underneath; High waist jeans, £29.99, Lindex; Pink checked dress, £165, Kitri Studio; Pine green top, £48, Baukjen; Veja trainers, £115, Office Firstly, when I’m after a particular thing, I’ll exhaust my vintage options before plumping for brand new. As luck would have it, vintage cuts (oversized blazers, boxy […]
Shopping for a sustainable wedding outfit is easier than you think, here’s how
The clothing and textile industry is responsible for 8-10 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions: The Independent In recent years, sustainability has become a big focus for almost every industry, particularly in fashion, as many of us are trying to make more conscious decisions as shoppers. While it’s […]