Hand-Crafting Unique Engagement Rings


When comes the moment of the proposal, it is easier to do it with the right engagement ring.

You may have the best proposal idea, but having THE perfect engagement ring hand-made and personnalized for her will give you confidence to popose her with a YES as an answer.

You will discover here various unique engagement ring designs hand-crafted in our jewelry worshop so you can discover how to can start with an idea and finish with a stunning piece of jewelry that will impact your whole life.

Let’s begin.

 Examples of engagement ring custom-made in our workshop through our custom jewelry service


  1. Blue topaz engagement ring
  2. Flower engagement ring with diamonds
  3. Initial engagement ring
  4. Emerald engagement ring
  5. Grass engagement ring with sapphire
  6. Simple engagement ring with ruby 

1. Blue topaz engagement ring

For his ring design, the fiancée new exactly what he wanted and could share with us a drawing of the engagement ring design he wanted to propose his fiancée.

The point here is not to draw perfectly the ring, but to communicate one’s expectation that give us a clear understanding of his needs.

engagement ring design project before being hand crafted

Drawing of the engagement ring project

From this drawing, we could model the engagement ring project using a CAD software so we could finsh creating the design in shape, size and proportion.

creation of an engagement ring design on computer before hand-making it

CAD model of the ring made from the drawing, before rendering

This 3D model is then used for rendering so we and the fiancée agree on the design and this latter be sure the ring of his life will be made according to his expectations.

blue topaz engagement ring project for custom making

 Rendering views giving a good idea of the finished ring before making it

Yes, I do.

Our client validated this desing so we could proceed to the making of the ring with the right choice of stones, in this case a large pear-shape blue topaz with three small amethyst stones.

coloured gemstone for engagement ring making by hand

The 18k gold shank is made through traditionnal casting after 3D printing the ring thanks to the 3D model we made previously.

hand-crafted ring after the casting process

The rough gold ring is then filed and polished by hand before setting the gemstone on the ring, so we get this marvel.

hand crafted topaze engagement ring close up view of the topaze on the engagement ring

2. Flower engagement ring with diamonds

Flower is one of the most popular theme for custom-made engagement rings designs. Because of the symbol of love it represents and the freedom of design you have, it is also easy to set a good-sized diamond in the center of the flower.

Flower engagement ring project set with diamonds hand-crafted in our jewelry workshop

For this personnalized ring project, our clients set us his request with a patchwork of ring pictures where he took his inspiration. From the for ring designs he presented to us, we were able to design the ring he dreamed of to propose his fiancée.

We started to make a CAD file of his unique project so he could see the ring design and propose modification if required.

unique engagement ring design created for our client

The rendering views of this unique ring design give a good appreciation to the client of what the finalized ring will look like.

rendering views of a unique engagement ring design created in-house

Once de design validated thanks to the rendering views, we can 3D print the ring’s master in resin which is the real size ring made from our previous modelization work.

Here under you can see the master made with green resin and set with a zirconia.

wax model of a unique engagement ring design created in-house in our jewelry workshop 

For such an important ring, choosing the correct diamond in line with your project and budget is important. For this ring, the choice was a 0,41 carat diamond with color grade E, purity VS2 and and Excellent cut grade as you can see its GIA certificate here under:

diamond's certificate for a unique engagement ring

Sometimes, and when possible, having a look at the diamond’s picture is a good way to be sure your engagement ring’s diamond will be up to the task. With a width of 75 mm on my screen, the magnification of the diamond is X15 which means the minor defects of the diamond will be totally unvisible to the naked eye.

Diamond's picture

 View of the E VS2 diamond with X15 magnification

After the manual casting process, the ring is hand finished and the diamonds set on it. unique diamon engagement ring

 flower engagement ring with 0,4 ct diamond

unique engagement flower ring with diamonds

View of this unique engagement ring once on finger

3. Initials Engagement Ring 

When the goal is to personnalized an engagement ring on a budget, hidding initials in the ring design is a good way to get a customized ring at an affordable price.

initial engagement ring in gold with diamond

This custom engagement ring was made for a client with a limited budget from one of our ring designs shown here after.

unique engagement ring on a budget with real diamond

Following the request of the fiancé, we had to remake the ring design to suppress all the small diamonds set on the ring’s shank and we needed to redesign the inner part of the ring to include the initials C and D with a new arabesque design with heart shape.

initials engagement ring design

This 3D model is then used by our client to validate his unique engagement ring design, so we can start the production phase. Here after, you can see the differents parts of the ring, 18k rose gold for the shank and 18k white gold for the inner part with the initials.

initial engagement ring partsThe redering views of the ring gives a stunning idea of what the ring will look like, even before starting making it in metal.

renderize views of this unique engagement ring design 

Once the fiancé was satisfied with his initial ring design, we could start the making of the ring. The different parts of the ring are gold cast and then soldered in place.

rose gold and white gold part of the initial engagement ring

Here you have an idea how look the ring after soldering the white gold initials to the rose gold shank, and before polishing and diamond setting.

soldering the initials on the engagement ringThe rough gold aspect of the ring is common to all hand-crafted ring that will be polished after soldering 

diamond setting on a unique engagement ring personnalized with initials


fiancée's initials on a unique engagement ring design hand-made

two tone engagement ring on finger

4. Emerald Engagement ring 

This custom engagement ring design is set with two emerald and one central diamond. The fiancé new exactly the design he wanted and was able to provide a drawing of the ring project.

unique engagement ring design with emeralds and diamond

The design being almost done, we could nevertheless assit the fiancé to choose the six lateral green stones (peridot stone) and find the perfect diamond to be set on his engagement ring.

D color diamond certificate

 The diamond chosen here is almost perfect, while being small, it weighs 0,25 carat, the color grade is D, the purity grade is VS2 and the cut is Excellent, as you can see on this picture of the actual diamond set on this ring.

0,25 carat diamond with perfect grade

As usual, we start this project making a 3D model of the ring which allow us to show these rendering views of the ring for design validation from the fiancé.

unique engagement ring design with emerald stones and diamond 

The ring is then hand-made in our jewelry workshop casting the shank in 18k white gold, setting the stone and polishing the ring you can see finished here:

emerald engagement ring with unique design hand-made

5. Grass Engagement rRng with Sapphire 

While being simple, the design of this engagement ring is truely unique as the shank of the ring is made of a blade of grass rolled up around the finger and set with a round blue sapphire on top.

unique grass ring design for a proposal, set with a blue sapphire

 unique sapphire ring design for an engagement proposal

While the rendering does not show the lines of the blade grass, we will have to engraved those lines on the ring shank once metal casted, as shown on these pictures.

unique engagement ring design hand-made set with blue sapphire

We learned since then that the fiancée was very happy has she was proposed at the top of a hill while hiking with her fiancé and that she said YES.

unique engagement ring design set with sapphire on finger

6. Simple Engagement Ring set Ruby setting 

This simple ring design is made around a 2 carats ruby oval stone with two small diamonds. This kind of design is quite classic, the personnalization of this design was made to adapt the right stones wanted by the client to the ring.

ruby engagement ring design, cad modelThe 3D model of the ring, once again, allow us to make rendering views of the ruby ring before making it.

ruby ring design with diamonds

This ring is a no brainer and you can see it finished on these pictures:

unique engagement ring design with a 2-carats ruby stone setting 2-carats ruby ring on finger with unique design

 2-carats ruby engagement ring on finger

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